Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog #8 The Girls Come for a Visit!!!

The Big White Bird landed and then it took forever to get the stairs in place and unload the passengers. All the guys on the ground had specific jobs to do and no one hurried. I was getting ready to climb the fence and give them a hand!!!

There they are, The Girls, just coming off the stairs!!! I was so excited. Yelling, waving, laughing , crying, you get the picture. Generally making a scene!!! Good thing there was no one around!!!

Don't The Girls looked relaxed??? Not quite. This is Natia who had had three meetings with me organizing and making lists for the dinner which was to be served at 6:30 on the night of The Girls arrival. Well, dinner didn't arrive until almost an hour later!!! We were all starving. When we finally got to eat the peas and rice, baked chicken, coleslaw and cabbage and carrots, we were all very happy!!!

Here I am at Paradise Beach, Deadman's Reef, practising snorkeling!!! Even though I practised for quite awhile, it didn't go well when I got into the water. I think I'm a dry land snorkeler!!!

The Girls on an island playing in the sand.

Sand and Kids just go together.

The day we went to Junkanoo Beach Club for free kayaking and paddle boating it was really windy and the sea was very rough so The Girls had fun playing under dock. I tried to take out a kayak with the Older Girl as she is an experienced kayaker but her wise Mother came out and said, "Mom this is not one of your better ideas." and as I tried valiantly to hold on to the bucking bronko of a kayak, I had to agree!!!

This is the end result. Now let's look at the process.
One night after work, Jerrisma and Paulette came over and Paulette braided The Girls hair. You can see, this is a very serious business. Not all woman know how to braid but Paulette is an expert!!!

Thanks so much Paulette for making The Girls look like Bahamian Girls. They love their new doos!!!

The Girls are exporing one of the caves at Lucayan National Park. They were really interesting and spooky!!! We were disappointed to learn that there are no bats until the summer!!!

We took bread to feed the fish and then were suddenly surrounded by raccoons. "Ok, you guys start running and I'll explain we are all out of bread!!!"

There are many up turned trees with their roots showing to climb on and The Girls enjoyed this perch. They had a great time and we didn't need any bandaids or ice!!!

Here Mom is enjoying some quiet time to sit and read in the wonderful warm water. Well, almost quiet time.......

Nice Artsy Shot by Ray.

This is one of Ray's what I call, "Where is Waldo?" pics. Can you find the lizard without a tail?

Saturday we were invited to the West End for a "grill" at Jerrisma's. Here her son, Charles on the left and another expert chef, cook up some corn, chicken and a big pan of seafood like conch, crawfish, potatoes, peppers and plantain. Wow, what a feast. It was wonderful!!!

This island is full of black women with gorgeous hair and I always wondered how they got such amazing styles and colours in their hair. Well, Jerrisma's daughter, the one with the beauty salon in Freeport, was doing a weave on someone and I got to watch. Absolutely fasinating!!! You go to a hair store and buy the colour, length and texture that you want. It comes in a big long strand. It is then sewn onto a fully braided head of hair. Incredible!!! Maybe I'd like..........

We were all loaded into the car when Jerrisma suddenly remembered that she had coconuts for us. The Youngest Girl had been asking for a coconut all week and we had promised her one on Saturday. We had forgotten about the promise and would have had a huge melt down on the way home if it had of been remembered but Jerrisma to the rescue. Here she is attacking the coconut with a saw as the Youngest Girl looks on.

"Mmmm this is so good!!!"
We had a very busy week. It was so much fun to be with The Three Girls and to be able to share out winter home with them. Thank you so much for coming and we will see you soon back home!!!

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