Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog #8 College, sharks and that is!!!

We had driven by this sign a number of times and naturally wanted to see the campus. Once more we lucked out as Jerrisma works here and organized a tour for us!!! She is such an amazing woman!!!

We noticed on arriving on the island all of the pastel colours of the buildings. In one blog I will show you many more hues and tones. Gorgeous. This is phase one of the college. The building above was completed approximately a year ago. It is very fresh and clean inside and out. It is about 30 minutes east of Freeport and thankfully there are buses to bring the students out from town.

This is one of many computer labs. These guys were all chatting it up and having fun until we arrived and then they became very studious and got right back to work!!! Sound familiar?

The rectangular building has an inner court yard for students to use.

We found this happy camper in a language lab. It takes 4 years to get a BA here. You could start some courses here but have to go to Nassau to complete them, like nursing. They also offer degrees in business, education, culinary and hospitality management. There are scholarships and finacial aid available to those who qualify.

Modern classrooms are equiped with white boards and hook ups for computers with their power point presentations. We saw a great science lab with all of the hook ups for water and gas that I remember so fondly!!!

Thank you Jerrisma for helping us see just one more great location on Grand Bahama Island!!!

It isn't often that I bad mouth a location but the After Deck in Port Lacaya needs some truths to be told about it. It is crowed, too many tables in a tiny space. Over priced. I had fish bites which to me meant bits of fish about the size of half of my thumb. When they arrived they were almost the size of the palm of my hand. I'd like to see the mouth they are fitting into in one bite or maybe not!!! The staff were pushy to get you to sit at a table they gave you, get your order and get you out. Problem there being the kitchen staff were far too slow for the servers. None of the servers were smiling and happy. Ray ordered a club sandwich and they had removed all of the crusts so one piece of sandwich looked like it could have fit into the regular mouth. The man has his teeth, give him the crusts, does he look like he eats dainty little sandwiches!!!!!! Sorry but if you are coming to Port Lacaya and want a good meal with Bahamian hospitality, avoid the After Deck!!!

Ray captured this sunset the other night. We can't see sunsets from our house. We get the lovely sunrises so he had to hunt it out!!!

Saturday night we went out to dinner with our friend Gabriele. We went to Pier 1. They have a sushi restaurant but we opted out this time and had regular food from upstairs. The exciting thing about having dinner here is that every night at 7, 8 and 9 they ring a bell and sharks come to be fed. I know this is a lousy picture but use your imagination. These are two sharks about 8-10 feet circling around waiting for the next big fish head to be thrown to them. I'm glad I know where the sharks are now. I will feel much better swimming at Xanadu Beach......Hmmmm let me think about that!!!!!

After dinner, we headed over to Roosters by the harbour. Nice facility. The band we went to see are called the Producers and they are from Bournmouth, England. Excellent group. The nicest thing about Roosters is that the venue is actually outside and they have rows of couches facing the stage. We got to sit just behind the couches on big high chairs at a big high table. It was a great night. I know the pic is dark. It was a dark night! The truth is that when I set my camera on night I have to stop my pulse to take a pic as the slightest movement causes a blur as the appature is kept open for so long.
Big day today. Going to the airport now to pick up Mel and the girls!!!!! Hope I have enough energy left to write the blog after they leave next Monday!!!

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