Friday, February 22, 2013

News from Bahamia


I'm not sure why this banana tree outside our townhouse has not been getting any attention from the gardeners but last week I decided to take it upon myself to clean it up. Voila!!! There are bananas in amongst all of the dead debris from Hurricane Sandy. You can see them just off to the right of my machete. Ok, kitchen knife!!!!

Shaun has been our house guest for the last two weeks. What a delightful guest he has been and oh so easy!!!!! Beach, beach and more beach. He had not had a two week vacation in approximately 15 years and was way over due. Sadly, he is leaving us today. I will miss him so much!!!!

One of the highlights of our week was a personal guided tour of The Xanadu Resort. It closed just under three years ago but as you walk through the expansive impressive foyer you get the impression it was in business yesterday. Gorgeous furniture, carpets, art. You can see the penthouse where Howard Hughs spent his last days. The two floors under the penthouse are where his entourage stayed who looked after all of his needs so he never had to leave his nest.

This is the inner courtyard. All of the gardens are still maintained. Grass is cut. The structure on the left is a well equiped gym. Straight ahead is the reception area and to the right are a conference room and restuaruant.

These are the original rooms that were built before the tower. There are numberous boat slips, lovely oval pool and tennis courts. Ray and Shaun went up the tower to see some of the rooms. It meant climbing stairs via flashlight. Too many "things" possible in those dark stairways, too many ghosts, too much imagination!!!!! I stayed at ground level. If you are interested, the Xanadu is for sale and I have the details so let me know.

We did get the Beach Boy to Fish Fry on Wednesday nights in Smith Town. Not good last Wed. though as we couldn't find Shaun cracked conch!!!! Here, on the Bahamas, no cracked conch!!! Unheard of!!! Today we are going out for lunch and Shaun will have his cracked conch. Yum!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Saying Goodbye......

The girls are out snorkeling on Xanadu for the last time. Hopefully this trip will provide great memories for them.

As I still haven't taken Snorkeling 101, I am left on this crowded beach to read in the shade. Tough life here in the Bahamas!!!!

On the way to the airport, we stop off at the beauty salon where the sisterhood meets all day, every day to say goodbye. We love you girls and will miss you until we see you again in April!!!! Except for the Winnipeg connection. It is still too cold there in April to visit but hopefully we will be with you again soon too!!!!

Junior Junkanoo or Junk a Canoe as one of the kids calls it!!!!

Bakers and Birthdays

We got this awesome cake for our birthday girls at the Chocolate World at the Circle Mall. It was oh so yummy!!!


Guess who was 39 and who was 30?


This very delightful man sells wonderful bread from his home on Young Husbands Road or Way or something like that every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I order whole wheat bread from him and it is delicious. He also has white bread and sweet buns. I highly recommend finding him!!!!

The Girls are Back in Town

A daily activity was feeding the fish in the canal. They would have been there at dawn so we had to suggest that 8:00 was a better time for fish. It is just like having an aquarium in your back yard. There are so many different species and so many different colours. I like feeding the fish!!!!

What a wonderful afternoon spent at the beach with two Bahamian friends.


This is our local vendor Joy. She is very well named as she truly is a joy to know. Quite the sales lady!!! "Back in the day" when our beach here at Xanadu was really busy, she made a great living selling her wears. Today, not so much. She still comes almost every day and sits under her palm tree and waits to see customers on the beach. I really think there are more folks on the beach this year. On a really busy day, there maybe 6 of us!!!! I hear Travelocity has posted Xanadu as one of the best beaches around and I am blaming them for the increase in people. If you are visiting the island and want to come to Xanadu, don't bother. This beach is the pits. Hehehe......


Toad's on the Bay

Judy and I have stopped at Toad's on the Bay in the Williams Town Settlement for a beer or two and a few conch fritters after we have been off enjoying a local beach. This has become somewhat of a ritual. Shelly the bar keep is always a delight and calls us,"Baby" all the time. This is the smallest of the three bars in Williams Town and the quietest. We sit out on the porch and yack!!!!

This is the view from the beach.

Below is the view from the porch.