Saturday, April 28, 2012

One last story.....

When we were in Freeport, Judy and I often went to the local Sally Ann to check out the stuff. Early on, maybe my first visit, I found this gorgeous red hat. It had a large brim. It was kind of a stiff material. It almost felt like paper. Fit like a glove. I decided I wanted to buy it for $4 and wear it to church. Then one of my local friends told me that in England a red hat meant "No knickers" so I rethought wearing it to church!!!!!!!! In fact, Jubilee Cathedral was not a big hat wearing congregation so I didn't feel too bad in not wearing it but definitely wanted to bring it home and to sell it in my store this summer.

When we arrived at Pearson Airport in Toronto and went to pick up our baggage we did what we always do in airports, I stand off to the side and the man grabs the bags, wrestles them to the ground and brings them over to me to guard. Now, I had to wear the red hat in transit because it wouldn't squish into my case as the other two hats that I wore regularly had done. I was standing there minding my own business when this elderly woman approached me.

"Where did you ever find that hat? I just love it!!!!"

"I bought it at the Sally Ann on Grand Bahama Island"

"I'm a member of the Red Hat Society. Here is my official travel tag. I would just love a hat like that."

"Thanks Ray. Go get another!!"

"I really wish I could find a hat like that!!!! I would just love to wear it!!!"

"Would you like to try it on?"

"Oh, really? Do you mean that? I would be so honoured to try on your hat!!!?"

"Hey, it looks great on you!!!"

"Oh, I just love it!!!! I so wish I had a hat like this!!!"

"Ok, I'll tell you what, you give me $20 and the hat is yours!!!"

"Really? Oh, my gosh, I'm so thrilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you, ............"

And that is how I lost my Red Hat!!!!