Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Deep Sea Fishing - WOW!!!!!!

Todd, our only and eldest son, arrived on Monday. He loves to fish and actually belongs to a fishing club so taking him to see the boats in Port Lucaya was a must. He said he had done the research and it was going to be way too expensive to go out fishing on one of these boats but then the Fish Fairy arrived and granted his wish. On Thursday with a forecast of 2-4 foot waves, the three of us boarded the Latitude Adjustment and headed out to sea with our captain Washington.

As we rocked around and tried desperately to stay seated instead of being tossed over board like corks, the captain announced we had got a "bad forecast". It seems that now the waves are 6-8 feet. Yikes, how do I get myself into these situations and how do I get off of this boat!!!!!!!!!!

Here Todd is bringing in one of the big ones we caught. We caught 10 baracuda. The total weight was over 100 pounds. It was not easy to bring them in as they faught like crazy until finally they came to the surface and just quit!!! We had 4 rods going all of the time. Three kind of surface and one deep. "Fish On, Fish On!!!!" was the call that was supposed to send me flying across the boat to the rod and snag the catch. Now, let's think about this. I'm 66, flying anywhere only happens on planes. Huge waves. No life jacket. Sorry. I'm going to sit here like the deck doillie and yell, "Get the rod!!!! Get the rod!!!!!" Todd and Washington would then grab the rod and give it to sitting me who put it in the holder and pulled in the fish. Hmmmm it seems I caught more than anyone else. Wonder why???

Yes, this is Todd acting as captain. Thank goodness he was onboard. When we had been talking to Washington the first time, he had mentioned that he was supposed to have another person onboard to help but he felt we would be fine with just him. Now that proved to be totally incorrect. As he was at the back of the boat taking off fish and baiting new lines and checking lines that hadn't got anything yet, the boat was tossed around like a cork and was moving in circles. Ray tried to help but handn't used a wheel before and ofcourse, I didn't move from my seat!!!! Todd to the rescue!!!

Heading back.

Our hold was full. I had my foot on it to keep those teeth down there!!!!

Here's the catch!!!

Captain Washington cleaned and filleted all of the 6 smaller baracuda. If you are coming for a visit, you will get to sample some!!!!

These are the 4 largest baracuda. I got the heads of the two largest and boiled them and then kept the jaws and teeth. Interesting jewelry to come!!!! The captain told us the larger ones might be poisonous and then we heard from another Bahamian that he would have gotten $30-$40 for each of them. Concern for our health or enhanced economy????

Ray with one of the trophy fish!!!

Look at the teeth on that baby!!!!

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